Category : Cloud Applications (5)

Building Distributed Applications with Dapr


Today, the development of distributed systems has become an increasingly essential need. However, due to the complexity of these systems, developing and managing such applications presents challenges for us developers. Matters like communication between services and state management are not easy tasks. This is where Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) comes into play, assisting us developers.

Dapr is a platform designed to make developing distributed applications easier and faster. With its provided features, we can perform tasks like communication between services, state management, and event publishing/listening more effortlessly. It even simplifies actor programming.

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Publishing Docker Image as Serverless on GCP


1. Introduction

With the serverless approach, the problem about the server that the software developer confronts with has disappeared. Now we write our code and call the provider to run it. We are not dealing with server configurations, scalings etc. And pay as you go. This is a great opportunity.

AWS's Lambda, GCP's Cloud Function, Azure's Azure Function etc., these services provide us this service. But this time, different kind of problem appears. These services do not support all languages. Even if it supports the language we want, it may not support the version we want. For example, AWS Lambda does not support the upper versions of .NET Core 2.1 yet. This is a problem. Nobody can restrict us :)

The Cloud Run service that Google built on Knative completely solves this problem. We give Cloud Run a docker image and Cloud Run runs our serverless service from this image. So whether we develop in PHP or .NET Core, it doesn't matter. There is no limit as long as we can make dockerize. This is awesome.

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Developing AWS Serverless Messaging System

1. Introduction

This article will be about how to develop the messaging system with the serverless approach. We will use AWS as a cloud provider. We will prefer .NET Core as the language.

In this part, I will set up the scenario and give preliminary information about what will be the result.

Our RESTful API endpoints will be as follows.

[POST] api/comments
[GET] api/comments

We will use the AWS services below.

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Publishing the ASP.NET Core Application in GCP Kubernetes


1. Introduction

The subject of this article series is about how to publish API, which we developed with ASP:NET Core, in Kubernetes. We will use GCP(Google Cloud Platform) as a cloud provider.

In this part, i will show the scenario and give preliminary information about what will be the result. Also i will mention briefly some concepts in Kubernetes.

We will develop an API containing single endpoint.
We will dockerize that API. For this, we will create a dockerfile.
We will send the image we have created with the dockerfile to GCR(Google Cloud Container Registry).
We will start three containers from this image.
We will create "Load Balancer" service, which will distribute the requests coming to the application to the containers.

I want to mention five concepts in Kubernetes.

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Developing AWS Serverless RESTful API


1. Introduction

This article series is about how to develop RestfulAPI with a serverless approach. We will use AWS as a cloud provider.

In this part, i will show the scenario and give information about what will be the result.

Our RESTful API endpoints will be like below.

[POST] api/ads
[PUT] api/ads/{id}
[DELETE] api/ads/{id}
[GET] api/ads
[GET] api/ads/{id}

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